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Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2013, 05:23
by Ann
I've just started the third book, and I'm going insane being unable to read stuff online/talk about it. That's something nice about the TV show. Everybody's in the same place. With the books, I'm very aware that most other people talking about the books online have read them all. I'm so thrown off by how different Dany's storyline was in book two compared to season two, and I really want to read about it, but I can't risk having something spoiled! At the same time, I really don't want to rush through the books, because I don't want them to be over. I wish I had some sort of spoiler browser extension that allowed me to roam the internet free of worry. I'm not used to really loving something and being unable to explore/obsess about it on the internet.

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2013, 13:01
by Jordan~
Sadly the only way to get to explore it online is to finish the books!

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 08:38
by Ann
Grumble. I can't believe we have to wait so long until season four. I'm basically doing nothing but reading the series right now. I went back and read all of Dany's chapters in books one and two today, which was easy because her part is so short. It's all I can think about and all I want to talk about and my husband hates it.

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 20:53
by Jordan~
Well, if you think about how long you're waiting for series four, think about how long you'll have to wait to read past series four. The series isn't even finished yet; by the time it ends on TV we'll all be old and grey and the actors will be holograms of their young selves. It might not be worth holding back on reading!

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2013, 22:08
by Ann
I'll probably read all the books. But I'm re-reading the first and second again before I read more of the third, and these books are long as hell and sometimes arduous (nothing bores me more than reading about a battle). There's a lot I missed, assuming it wasn't that important. I can't believe I didn't realize how weird and barely explained the whole Rhaegar/Lyanna thing is until I got to the third book. When Dany started asking about Rhaegar more, I realized that the Stark/Baratheon perception of Rhaegar is (obviously) probably misleading. And now re-reading book one, I can't believe I missed all the tiny little details Ned gives about Lyanna and her death... and now I have a theory that I feel so confident is true. The more I get into book one, the more everything seems to support it and nothing contradicts it, and I can't believe I missed all this for so long, but I still have no idea if I'm way off and since 99% of discussion surrounding ASOIAF is off-limits to me, there's no way for me to see what others in the same place as me think.

I wish I was in a book club where everybody was reading the books along with me.

So what's the deal with the last two books? I'm scared to look anything up (spoilers could be anywhere). I read something once that said it was likely they'd never be written. Is that true?! Please say it isn't true.

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2013, 08:20
by Jordan~
I know the theory you mean and I'm really not sure about it. :P Or at least, if it's correct I can't see how it would change anything, without wanting to be too specific and consequently give anything away if we're not talking about the same thing! Based on that you can probably conclude that it's not confirmed in the books so far. Or can you? :naughty: (First time I've used that emoticon.)

And no, the last two books are being written afaik! The next one is scheduled for release early (iirc) next year, albeit tentatively. With such a popular series I think it's really unlikely to be unfinished - The Wheel of Time was still finished despite Robert Jordan dying before he could write the last books. I'm sure GRRM similarly has notes that provide at least an outline of the plot to the end of the series.

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 24 Sep 2013, 22:20
by Ann
Goood! Good good good. I don't even want to know the titles of the last two books (tat i havent read, not the unpublished ones) because I really don't want to know anything about what's coming up.

I do think you know what I'm talking about. And I wondered if it was confirmed because, well, the only person who would definitively know... (I think, unless there's something we don't know?) is dead. I just realized, re-reading book two, that it's never made outright clear that Renly is gay, even though it is in the show. And I thought that was interesting. Sort of bolsters my idea that my special little theory could just be background information that isn't consequential to plot ... yet.

I'm only a few chapters into book three, so I don't know how big of a part Margaery's going to play, but I'm glad they added in parts with her into the show that weren't in the book, such as her flat-out not caring that Renly and her brother were together and being determined to get a son in her no matter what (but thank god she didn't -- as of yet, I really like her, I want her to have more power (oh don't disappoint me, Tyrells) so I'm glad she got hooked up with Joffrey).

I'm so stupidly obsessed with this series right now. I get super weepy when I read certain things, knowing that the Red Wedding is coming. I actually cried when Dany was in the House of the Undying and she came upon the room with the dead wolf king. I love the Starks so much more reading the book. I just want to protect them from all harm, and I get so sad thinking of Arya. All I want is for Arya and Jon Snow to be reunited! I practically melted during the last episode where Bran & Co. ran into Sam. I was just so thrilled that people who know and love Jon got to run into each other. And when Jaime came home at the end, I was even excited for that! I just want people to be reunited! Though who knows where that's going. Maybe Cersei's not into one-handed men.

I love George R. R. Martin. I love him for how he writes women. I love that this series is so popular and that it's just flooded with female characters of such variety.

And I'm achingly in love with Jon Snow, and if there's one thing I hate, it's being in love with fictional characters. I mean, yes, Kit Harrington's soft, touchable hair and his big, brooding eyes help, but it's Jon Snow I want, not him. Pining after somebody who doesn't exist is the worst.

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 25 Sep 2013, 12:50
by Jordan~
If it's any consolation, Arya is hardcore badass awesome. :P The way characters in the show are tweaked is sometimes kinda annoying - like, I was a little disappointed with Renly in the books. In the show, he was one of my favourite characters, and definitely my favourite claimant to the throne. He was a principles reformer - he didn't care about the strength of his claim, just that he would be the best king, and really Loras was the one pushing him into pressing his claim. In the books he's just sort of vain and incompetent. On the other hand, I like Stannis better in the books, and Varys, who's probably my favourite character, is even better in the books than in the show, imo; though Olenna is better in the show and she's probably tied first place. Actually, another strong contender for my favourite character hasn't even been in the show, yet!

Re: Game of Thrones

PostPosted: 13 Oct 2013, 07:59
by Ann
I'm done! Thank R'hllor, I can think about something else again.

Just kidding. I'll still spend too much time thinking about a fictional world.

I'm pretty pleased with the show, overall, compared to the books. The show just seems so much smaller, now. I'm super excited for some upcoming scenes! Can't wait till next season! The second half of a Storm of Swords is amazing.