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Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2012, 04:09
by LawnsOfDawns
Vetiver is Devendra's band.

I like devendra okay... not enough to watch a documentary about him though.

Is there any Vashti Bunyan in the film?

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2012, 11:23
by oneofthose
LawnsOfDawns wrote:Vetiver is Devendra's band.

I like devendra okay... not enough to watch a documentary about him though.

Vetiver is NOT Devendra's band. They're Andy Cabic's band.

It's also a film of Joanna, that's why we've been going on about it.
It's not a documentary "about" any of them. It's a tour film. So there are performances and backstage stuff - of everyone on the tour. Devendra is featured the most because he arranged the tour, and was the big star at the time. But Joanna gets the second most amount of screen time.

And yes, Vashti is in it.

But I am surprised at the people going "There's not much Joanna", "it's not really of interest...". It was never advertised as a film about her. It's a film about the tour, a tour that, as we know, she had to miss a chunk of. But jeez, how many films of her in 2004 have we got that we can afford to be all sniffy about this one? Some people want the moon on a stick.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2012, 11:26
by oneofthose
Ann wrote:I just finished watching it -- I don't remember any particular time when Joanna appeared to be drunk? I remembered that from here, so I was keeping an eye out for it! I don't know much Fleetwood Mac, so that wouldn't stick out to me.

Maybe he edited it out since I saw it... that's possible. It was a few years ago.
I won't know till it gets to the UK and then I can either go "I told you so!" or "Hmm, did I dream it?"

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2012, 15:00
by claire
oneofthose wrote:But Joanna gets the second most amount of screen time.

I don't think that's accurate. We probably get more performance footage of her than of Vetiver, but she isn't around for a lot of the "on the road stuff" not just because she had to miss part of the tour but because she didn't travel in the van with Devendra and Vetiver but in her own car. So she's not in any stuff where they're in the van or on the road somewhere (except the nice scene where Kevin Barker rides with her for a little while).

oneofthose wrote:But I am surprised at the people going "There's not much Joanna", "it's not really of interest...". It was never advertised as a film about her. It's a film about the tour, a tour that, as we know, she had to miss a chunk of. But jeez, how many films of her in 2004 have we got that we can afford to be all sniffy about this one? Some people want the moon on a stick.

I think you misunderstand why people are saying those things. Nobody was expecting this to be all about Joanna. All I'm doing is trying to let people who haven't seen it know what to expect in that regard. I think it's certainly worth watching for any Joanna fan, but there are going to be parts that will be dull to people who aren't interested in the other artists on the tour.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2012, 10:18
by oneofthose
claire wrote:
I think you misunderstand why people are saying those things. Nobody was expecting this to be all about Joanna. All I'm doing is trying to let people who haven't seen it know what to expect in that regard. I think it's certainly worth watching for any Joanna fan, but there are going to be parts that will be dull to people who aren't interested in the other artists on the tour.

I dunno, to me it sounded like typical super-fan whining. Not you. More the people who hadn't seen it who had already decided they wouldn't see it (or pay for it) if there was more Devendra than Joanna. I can't understand that logic at all. Possibly also because I will watch any tour film of any band, whether I like them or not. Just love that aspect of music.
And maybe my memory has played tricks on me, but there was way more Newsom than I expected. Or maybe she demanded she be edited out of it and I saw some rare rough cut with way more!*

*unlikely I know.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2012, 14:18
by LawnsOfDawns
oneofthose wrote:
Vetiver is NOT Devendra's band. They're Andy Cabic's band.

It's also a film of Joanna, that's why we've been going on about it.
It's not a documentary "about" any of them. It's a tour film. So there are performances and backstage stuff - of everyone on the tour. Devendra is featured the most because he arranged the tour, and was the big star at the time. But Joanna gets the second most amount of screen time.

And yes, Vashti is in it.

But I am surprised at the people going "There's not much Joanna", "it's not really of interest...". It was never advertised as a film about her. It's a film about the tour, a tour that, as we know, she had to miss a chunk of. But jeez, how many films of her in 2004 have we got that we can afford to be all sniffy about this one? Some people want the moon on a stick.

Sorry man, my post was pretty uninformed. I just kinda halfassedly posted it without knowing anything about the film (or even vetiver!) I apologize for that.

For what it's worth, I have some friends with great taste in music who -really- love Vetiver!
Also, when I get paid, I will probably buy it to support this kind of thing. I wanna give money to people who make documentaries about shit I love so that more people will make more documentaries about shit I love!
Vashti is a plus as well. I know Joanna was on 'Lookaftering', and as they are two of my favorite musicians of all time, I would love to see them interact.

Sorry about the misleading post though... :oops: :confused:

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 08 Sep 2012, 23:35
by oneofthose
LawnsOfDawns wrote: I know Joanna was on 'Lookaftering', and as they are two of my favorite musicians of all time, I would love to see them interact.

I'm starting to doubt my own memory of the film now (especially as no one else can confirm the drunk singing bit). So maybe someone else can confirm if Vashti is in it or not. Linda Perhacs is definitely in it. But I'm convinced Vashti is too, when they're at Amoeba records (I don't think she's in any scenes with Joanna, just Devendra). But I feel like I may have imagined watching the whole film at Birmingham Flatpack festival now.

And has anyone seen the documentary Vashti Bunyan: From Here To Before? Like Family Jams it seems to have been around for years but shown rarely.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2012, 00:12
by Andrew
Wow Linda Perhacs is in it? I'm so desperate to see it argh

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2012, 02:52
by claire
oneofthose wrote:I'm starting to doubt my own memory of the film now (especially as no one else can confirm the drunk singing bit). So maybe someone else can confirm if Vashti is in it or not. Linda Perhacs is definitely in it. But I'm convinced Vashti is too, when they're at Amoeba records (I don't think she's in any scenes with Joanna, just Devendra). But I feel like I may have imagined watching the whole film at Birmingham Flatpack festival now.

I don't recall seeing Vashti Bunyan in it at all, but I wasn't paying super close attention to the Amoeba part.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2012, 10:34
by oneofthose
claire wrote:
I don't recall seeing Vashti Bunyan in it at all, but I wasn't paying super close attention to the Amoeba part.

No, I think what we're finding out is my memory has created an entirely different film for itself. Which is worrying.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2012, 12:03
by Jordan~
Maybe you dreamt it? Sometimes I dream things and forget that they were dreams.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2012, 01:13
by ElvisStojko
I was searching for release date information about Family Jams and happened across this thread. I used to have a login for this forum like 4 years ago but completely forgot it, hence the n00b post count.

Anyway, I don't think posting this is infringing on anyone's copyright but if you all want me to take it down just let me know, or mods can just delete my post.

My friend Zach made me this mixtape years ago and tagged this song on the end. This was recorded during the tour that Family Jams documents. Obviously it's Joanna + Friends (Devendra, Vetivier, brother wolf Zach himself, etc.) performing an impromptu "Dreams". Neat to hear her flub the lyrics in the second verse and then curse herself. This might be in the documentary already but I haven't seen it yet so w/e.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2012, 19:36
by andrewb
ElvisStojko wrote:I was searching for release date information about Family Jams and happened across this thread. I used to have a login for this forum like 4 years ago but completely forgot it, hence the n00b post count.

Anyway, I don't think posting this is infringing on anyone's copyright but if you all want me to take it down just let me know, or mods can just delete my post.

My friend Zach made me this mixtape years ago and tagged this song on the end. This was recorded during the tour that Family Jams documents. Obviously it's Joanna + Friends (Devendra, Vetivier, brother wolf Zach himself, etc.) performing an impromptu "Dreams". Neat to hear her flub the lyrics in the second verse and then curse herself. This might be in the documentary already but I haven't seen it yet so w/e.

Thanks! This is a fun recording.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 12 Sep 2012, 22:37
by oneofthose
ElvisStojko wrote:
My friend Zach made me this mixtape years ago and tagged this song on the end. This was recorded during the tour that Family Jams documents. Obviously it's Joanna + Friends (Devendra, Vetivier, brother wolf Zach himself, etc.) performing an impromptu "Dreams". Neat to hear her flub the lyrics in the second verse and then curse herself. This might be in the documentary already but I haven't seen it yet so w/e.

Thank you! So I didn't dream the drunken Fleetwood Mac singing. See, people! I'm not a complete fantasist, after all. Phew.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 19 Oct 2012, 23:09
by Steve
I guess this link is corrupted now (it looks like it wants to be about a 6 minute recording, but after 40 seconds of intro it breaks up and then stops altogether) ... Is there any other way of hearing / getting it?

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 21 Oct 2012, 11:18
by Steve
Thank you so much to the kind person who sent me the MP3. It was done privately, so I won't cause embarrassment by mentioning the name here, but I wanted to acknowledge it.

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2012, 21:58
by lazybard
does anybody knows any location of this movie
available to non-US / european guys?

(some-time reader, first-time poster)

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2012, 10:56
by milkisobel
that's my question too or if someone will be kind to drop boxing me :glee:

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 05 Nov 2012, 18:37
by travvyishot
yep, still hoping for that random PM someday. don't be shy guys!! haha

Re: Family Jams available to download from Sep 4th

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2012, 15:47
by Squara13
Just seen on the Family Jams Facebook page that the DVD release has been pushed back (no date given as of yet) so the release can coincide with a book. I've been waiting for this film for so long, I feel like it might be a massive anti-climax.