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The tiny condensed interview

PostPosted: 21 May 2013, 17:50
by dwaink
Several really good interviewers that I have spoken to, about my desire to do a Joanna Newsom interview have told me to make it small and here it is the tiny condensed 200 question Joanna Interview....well at least a started out version anyways help me make it better(finish) Milkymooners?

200 questions for Joanna Newsom

1) Fans

1}Joanna....and i feel that i may call you by your first name because i have been rabidly following you since you first hit the scene....does that make you uncomfortable?
2}You seem to have had a somewhat testy relationship with "the fans", we are nosey and mostly wrong in our guesses and pronouncements, but Joanna we really do love you and your music, is it wrong for us to be such fan boys and girls...ermm men and women?
3}Here at Milkymoon we are your most loyal and enduring fans, ever considered posting here?...agreed it might stun and destroy us, but we're really strong and worthy :)
4}You are a music artist, and we the fans facilitate your career by buying your output, isn't that "done gone down to the crossroads and did the deal with the devil already"?
5}At times we seem to provide you with some amusement..."Beatless", isn't there some comic relief in our machinations? :)
6}If you were able to communicate one thing to your "fans" what would you ask\tell (of) us?
7}How can we help?
8}Best "fan" moment? Worst fan moment?
9}Sometimes...are we just silly to you, has our fanaticism given you any really good belly laughs? Or are we scary and dangerous?(my apology here and now for all of us if that is the case)
10}What is your perception of your fans? Who are they?

2) Band
1}Your band equals more than the sum of its parts, and yet each "part" is very strong, if yours isn't the best band out there, whos is?
2}Can you talk a little about each band member, your relationship, what they bring to the table, how they have surprised/pushed you?
3}Perhaps i am mistaken but it seems that the band(with all its strengths) is starting to lead some(ie: change songs, push in new directions), is this a direction that will continue?
4}Change can be a hard taskmaster at times and yet it is inevitable, any band changes on the horizon?
5}The "one" that got away, which former band member do you miss the most and why?
6}Care to illuminate the tour experience with these guys and gals?
7}Time to embarrass one of your band mates, come on dish, give us the dirt, who were they doing it with, when was it, how silly did it look...and have they forgiven you for laughing?
8}How has the "band" experience evolved over time with these guys, can they finish your musical phrases yet?
9}Best time together as a group?
10}This is at base level a business, these guys are great you pay them well?

3) Poetics,Lyrics,song writting
1}What weapons do you employ in your song writing skills?
2}Much has been written on this subject and we fans have learned a great deal about your song work, what don't we know?
3}How is your muse? Friendly, mean, subconscious?
4}Many poets are driven to write, there is no other medium fit to express what they feel or comment on what they perceive, are you in this number?
5}We(as Milkymoon fans)really miss your unfinished stuff, the playing at live shows of songs that have yet to reach full maturity lyrically speaking, has our following of that process "broken" you from doing that?
6}While you have "covered" older songs and lays, ever think about dragging that skill closer to the present?
7}What haven't you written that you want to?
8}As a person that considers themself a poet of sorts, i could ask a 1000 poetry questions about the poetics of your work, but what i most want to know is where do these exquisite lines come from? Like "across the sky sheet the impossible birds" Joanna it is stunning in its scope and word choice, how do i get the number of your muse?:)
9}I have to ask...fav poets and why?
10}The density of your work seems to wax and wane, do you fear being too poetic, do you long for that simple "yeah yeah yeah" radio hit song? While i can grok that the time a project is given allows for more dense verbage, would it all be denser if you had your druthers?(for my part yes is the answer:)

4) Real Life
1}What is in store for you in the near future in your real life? Do i hear wedding bells and a wee lass/lad crying?
2}At what point do questions cross the line for you? Is there a strong division for you between personal life and what a fan/interviewer has the right to ask?
3}What makes Joanna Newsom happy?
4}I hope your family is well, how have they helped or hindered you in the "process" of becoming who you are and the artist that you are?
5}Do you find that being in a solid and secure relationship stunts your production of work, do you need to be miserable and alone, a "tortured artist"?
6}Do you follow current events to the point that they catch your eye and demand a musical response?
7}What question are you dying for an interviewer to ask?...and the answer?
8}Can you divulge yet another little real life tidbit we don't know, about "who is Joanna", that will give us a slightly better idea of who you are?
9}What scares Joanna Newsom the most?
10}How has living in the Big Apple treated you so far? Perceptions?

5) Duets
1} Dream duet? (any artist any eon)
2} A few songs that have come out lately show an expansion of your style(s), the punk band song was way fun, more of that sort of out of the box playing for your musical future?
3} What kind of musical style that you have no experience with piques your interest, and might be in your coming work? Blues? Grunge Rock? Tuvian throat singing?
4} Does the fact that many of your fans(well at least this one) clamor for you to do duets with others(i have written to Jack Johnson at least 3 times on this point) phase you at all, give you ideas?
5} Of all the artists that you have worked with, so far, can you divulge favs and why?
6} What clash/conjunction of musical styles...strange duet have you heard that pleases you the most?
7} Does the learning curve required to do a "strange" duet intrigue or intimidate you?
8} What makes a good duet?

6) Activism
7) Who is Joanna Newsom anyway?
8) Critics
9) Venues
10) Music future
11) Andy
12) Industry
13) Harp
14) Interviews
15) Fun
16) Fashion
17) Favs
18) High Tech
19) Career
20) ?

Re: The tiny condensed interview

PostPosted: 24 May 2013, 21:15
by ursulabear
Do you still have the doll I made you?

Re: The tiny condensed interview

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2013, 23:04
by Steve