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JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2010, 01:46
by doublewuzzy
It's not much of a move, and it looks exactly the same, but here it is:

I was having an issue where searching for my real name brings up the page, and after exhausting all the possibilities, I believe this solves the problem.

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2010, 02:43
by doublewuzzy
I have recently acquired the necessary tools to continue this project (cryptic much?).

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2010, 23:43
by queenofnerds
Ohh will there be more? Not being pushy or anything.... :op

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2010, 02:35
by doublewuzzy
So I THOUGHT I acquired the tools but I was DECEIVED! But I think I can work around it. It'll be a long time coming, but I'll get it done.

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2010, 02:42
by juniper
good job and thanks again for the Project...

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2010, 20:10
by Becca
If you don't mind me asking, what tools do you need/use? You talking music notation software? Just curious.
I recently attempted to illegally download Finale in order to transcribe Lady Gaga for 6 or 7 oboes (don't ask :lol:) but all I found were trials. It worked long enough for me to finish that project, though. :twisted:

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 04 Oct 2010, 23:08
by polliwog
There are different versions of Finale...which one did you try?

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 02:05
by Becca
I honestly don't remember. A couple different ones. I assume whatever the newest version was?? I know I looked around and tried several.

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 03:32
by doublewuzzy
All I can find is Finale NotePad. The last thing I used when working Does Not Suffice and Have One On Me was the full version of Finale 2010.

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 15:10
by Jordan~
Becca wrote:I recently attempted to illegally download Finale in order to transcribe Lady Gaga for 6 or 7 oboes

How can you say that and expect us not to ask!?

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 15:19
by doublewuzzy
That's like combining baking soda and vinegar...

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 21:12
by Becca
Ok, so I had a dream that I covered "Speechless" entirely on oboe, and when I told my friends, they all agreed I should do it for real. I finished the transcription and recording, but it sounded really bad because I was really out of practice on oboe and my facial muscles were out of shape. I need to re-record it eventually either little by little, or when my face is in better shape. :P
I've done crap like this before--ie transcribed popular songs for many oboes that I then multi-tracked for a ridiculous-sounding cover. It's just weird how randomly specific my dream was when it spoke to me and told me I needed to do this to a Lady Gaga song... :lol:
I think in addition to the recording sounding bad, I sort of lost the interest to redo it because everyone was doing Lady Gaga covers and I was sort of burned out on her, but I dunno if anyone has covered her on oboe yet. I did see a bassoon quartet cover her, though, so I was like "mehhhh."

Re: JNew Transcription Project has MOVED

PostPosted: 05 Oct 2010, 22:29
by doublewuzzy
Dude, that bassoon quartet is totally in my city - like, they are based here.

I transcribed Speechless and Just Dance but it revealed how simple and run-of-the-mill those songs are, which means that they have been, are, and will be transcribed by TONS of people (and I grew to dislike her very much anyway). I'll stick to the crazier stuff that I know nobody is transcribing because it means I can work at my own pace :)